The Birthstone Of March: Aquamarine

Every month has a birthstone assigned to it, and for March that stone is the aquamarine. This striking blue gemstone has been prized for centuries for its beauty and symbolism. Here we take a look at the meaning and history of the aquamarine, as well as some of the ways how to choose an aquamarine gemstone.

What Is Aquamarine?

Aquamarine is a type of beryl, a mineral that also includes emerald and morganite. The name aquamarine comes from the Latin word for seawater, aqua marina. This is fitting because the gemstone is most commonly found in shades of blue and green that resemble the ocean. Aquamarine is most often found in Brazil, but it can also be mined in Madagascar, Mozambique, Pakistan, Namibia, and Zimbabwe. The largest aquamarine ever found weighed more than 200 pounds and was discovered in Marambaia, Brazil. The gemstone is relatively hard, rating 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale of hardness. This means that aquamarine jewellery can be worn daily without the fear of scratching or chipping the stone.

The Meaning Of Aquamarine

In early history, people associated aquamarine with courage, hope, and good fortune. Sailors have long considered it a talisman of good luck, fearlessness, and protection against harm while at sea. It continued to be a popular gem during the Victorian era when many paddle steamers were named after it. It was also a popular gemstone among Romans who believed that it would guarantee a happy marriage and prevent fights between spouses.

During the Medieval era, aquamarine was often used in rings and other jewellery as protection against evil spirits. The stone was also believed to have the power to cure laziness, and laziness was seen as one of the Seven Deadly Sins.

Today, aquamarine is still considered a stone of good fortune and is thought to bring courage, happiness, and hope. Whether or not you believe in its magical powers, there’s no denying that aquamarine is a beautiful gemstone with a long history of fascinating myths and legends.

The Healing Properties Of Aquamarine

Though its stunning colour is its most well-known quality, aquamarine is also said to have several healing properties.

Some believe that aquamarine can help to soothe anxiety and calm the mind. It is also thought to be a stone of communication, helping those who wear it to express themselves more freely and clearly. Aquamarine is said to be particularly helpful for writers, public speakers, and students.

In addition to its mental benefits, aquamarine is also thought to promote physical healing. It is commonly used in crystal therapy for conditions such as headaches, toothaches, stomach problems, and skin conditions.

Now that you know all about aquamarine, it’s time to find the perfect stone for you.

How To Choose An Aquamarine Gemstone

When shopping for aquamarine jewellery, it is important to keep in mind that the quality of the stone is based on several factors, including colour, clarity, and cut.


When choosing an aquamarine gemstone, the most important factor to consider is colour. The stone should be rich, saturated blue or green with no hint of grey. You may also see aquamarine stones with a yellowish or greenish-blue hue. These stones are less valuable and are not as sought-after as the richer blue stones.


Clarity is also important when choosing an aquamarine gemstone. The stone should be free of inclusions, or internal flaws. If there are any inclusions present, they should be small and not interfere with the beauty of the stone.


The cut of the stone is also important. Aquamarine stones are typically cut into emerald or oval cuts. The stone should be well-cut and symmetrical. A poorly cut stone will not reflect light as well and will appear dull.

Carat Weight

Aquamarine stones are typically available in a wide range of sizes. The carat weight, or size of the stone, will affect the price. Larger stones are more valuable than smaller stones. The aquamarine stone prices Australia offers is around $400 per carat for a small stone and up to $1,000 per carat for a large stone. So, if you’re looking to purchase an aquamarine stone, it’s important to keep carat weight in mind. Choose a size that fits your budget and desired look.

Done shopping? Great! The next step is to learn how to care for your new aquamarine gemstone.

How To Care For Aquamarine

Aquamarine is a durable gemstone, but it is still important to take care of your jewellery to ensure that it lasts for many years.

Here are some tips on how to care for aquamarine:

  • Avoid exposing the stone to harsh chemicals, heat, or direct sunlight.
  • Store aquamarine jewellery in a cool, dry place away from other gemstones to avoid scratches.
  • Clean aquamarine jewellery with warm soapy water and a soft cloth. Be sure to rinse the jewellery well to remove all soap residue.
  • Do not use harsh chemicals or abrasives to clean aquamarine jewellery.

Aquamarine is a beautiful and versatile gemstone that has been used for centuries in jewellery, carvings, and other decorative items. It can be found in a variety of colours, from the palest blues to deep greens. Aquamarine is also said to have spiritual properties and is thought to promote peace, happiness, and serenity. If you’re looking for a unique and eye-catching stone to add to your collection or use in your next project, aquamarine may be just what you’re looking for.

Samuel Simpson

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